
All Because Two People Fell In Love!!!

Aspen Walking!!!

Aspen has started to walk a little. She will take about 4 steps than fall over or just sit down. Its crazy how much faster she is catching on to things than Rylie ever did. I also can't believe she will be 1 in a month. They grow so fast! Sorry the movie is side ways i need to remember not to flip my camera up and down when a do movies.

Aspen 10 Months

Look my hair is long enough i can put it in pigtails!!!

Dino Park

Oquirrh MountainTemple

We went to the open house of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in July. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was inside. The Chandler's are amazing the last Open house temple i went to was Bountiful. That was forever ago! Our goals is to get to the Temple one day. To be sealed as a family for eternity. This is the Temple were Angel Moroni got struck by lightening you can't see it very well but if you look at the picture you can see how black he is.

Zane's Family

Zane's Family was all together so we decided to get family pictures while everybody was here. (oh yeah!) I love getting all the kids together to get there pictures but i hate having mine taken. All the Grand kids are getting so big. It sounds like everybody is done having kids but us. (thanks guys!) And we are only going to have two more that is the plan. BUT not for a while that is!!! And pray for us that the next two are boys.

Rylie & Aspen

Rylie really loves playing with her baby sister. They are under Rylie's bed ever since Aspen has learned to crawl we find her in all different place through out the house.

Daddy & His Girls

There is just something sweet about a Father & his Daughters.

Rylie is 2 going on 13!!!

Rylie has decided to grow up a little faster than we had planed for her. She wants make up on, deodorant and she aways needs perfume on when she is done getting ready. Talk about a princess. Here Dad and Mom didn't get her ready fast enough she took it upon herself to get ready. I think a couple more years of practice and she will have it!!

The picture says it all!!


Easter Morning!

We had a great time having a egg hunt in or back yard this year. Although it was a bit cold outside Rylie still had a blast. Here is a couple of pictures of what they got and Rylie egg hunting.

Thorpe Family Easter party

Every Year we get together as a Family for a Easter party. We all take our turn at putting it on this year it was the Maquet's turn to have it . The kids had a good time. They decided it was time to get the Adults in on the action. We had a egg toss As you can tell Andrea did not win. But Zane & I did. We still make a pretty good team. They also have a Easter egg hunt for the kids. Rylie really had fun collecting all of hers and her sisters eggs. Its fun to see her starting to understand what is going on.

Coloring Easter Eggs

I thought this was going to be a challenge to color Easter eggs this year. Because Rylie is to the age were she likes to EVERYTHING on her own I thought OH NO! do i even want to try to color eggs? But someone else must of had the same thought cause my mom found the coolest thing it is a device you put the color and egg in and push the top and guess what no miss YEAH!!! Anyway i thought that was the coolest thing ever. Rylie loved coloring eggs with her cousin Devyn.


Aspen is now 5 months old! CRAZY!!! Time is going so fast. Aspen is rolling from her back to her stomach i caught it on video so i had to share it with everyone. They grow so fast.

Here are some picture's of Aspen at 5 months.

Rylie's 2nd Birthday

For Rylie's 2nd Birthday we had a Family Party at Chucky Cheese. She was So excited for everybody's Gifts. Thanks to everyone she loved everything. That night when we got home we had to open everything. Including the 120 piece food set(Thanks Angie.) I can't believe its been two years! Man they grow fast! When i took Rylie to the Doctors for her two year appointment her wt. is 28lb. She has also hit the troubles twos well she hit them before she turned two as many of you already know. Hopefully that means she will get over them faster. She also is a little Drama Queen. But she makes up for it with the funny little faces she makes. I really could just watch her all day. Again thanks for all the gifts she got for her Birthday she loved them.

Rylie & Aspen

So do we look anything alike?

HELLO!!! Aspen At 3 months. All bright eyed.
This is what i look like at midnight every night.

Look how fast I'm growing!!

Aspen is 2 months old and is 10 pounds 11 oz. She is getting so big. I can't believe how fast they grow. These are picture's of her first smiles.

Play Time!!

Zane, Rylie & Cooper playing!!
Rylie gets so jealous of cooper when ever cooper gets in the chair she always is pulling on his legs to get him down. Luckily cooper just lets her be we haven't ever had a problem with him getting jealous of her..

Rylie Singing

We bought Rock Band 2 for Christmas. I think Rylie likes it. Watch her with the mic. she is a pro. You will have to try and tune me out in the background every time i stop she did to.